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In het Verenigd Koninkrijk werd in het jaar 2000 een week lang gestaakt door vrachtwagenchauffeurs tegen de hoge brandstofaccijnzen.


Wat heeft dat met preppen te maken zul je denken?


Nou best wel wat.


De chauffeurs staakten niet alleen maar blokkeerden ook raffinaderijen en brandstofdistributiecentra.


Als gevolg kwam de hele Britse samenleving tot een stilstand.


Wednesday 13 September: A total of 280 tankers leave depots around the UK, in addition to the 60 which pulled out on Tuesday night - just a fraction of the 3,000 deliveries typically made each day. More than 90% of petrol stations have run dry.


Some 200 truckers park up along Park Lane, bringing parts of central London to a standstill.


Food rationing returns to Britain as panic buying shifts to supermarkets. Some shops are bare of bread and milk.


The NHS is put on red alert - which means at a moment's notice, all hospitals must be ready to cancel all but emergency cases.


MTD: Royal Hull Hospital runs out of stitches for use in operations.



The fuel price protests exposed the interdependencies of practically each CI sector of the UK economy on continuous fuel supply and resulted in direct and indirect impacts on CI in the UK. Direct impacts of the protests included the widespread disruption of the energy sector caused by the blockade of oil refineries and fuel depots, and the interruption of the transportation sector as a result of drivers going on strike, "go-slow" demonstrations on highways and roads as well as the fuel shortages in gas stations. Several CI sectors, including health care, food distribution, finance and government, demonstrated their dependency on energy and transportation sectors. The financial impact of the week-long fuel drought was estimated to top £1 billion


Waarmee maar eens duidelijk wordt hoe kwetsbaar een moderne samenleving is en hoe afhankelijk we zijn van dagelijkse bevoorrading.


Je moet niet denken wat er gebeurd was als ze een maand lang hadden gestaakt.

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