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Berichten die geplaatst zijn door roelf

  1. Hoi hoi lewieke kan jij me wat meer vertellen over die pootaardappelen ik wil die in bloembakken zaaien en als de radijsjes en wortelen maar ik gebruik altijd potgrond kan je die ook hiervoor gebruiken


    Ik had een stuk of tien aardappelen in 10 grote potten, maar het ging niet helemaal goed. De plant schoot enorm de hoogte in, wel 1,5m, en er kwamen maar geen bloemetjes in. Na verloop van tijd ging de plant verschrompelen en was het einde oefening. Geen aardappel gezien.

  2. @roelf, wat denk je dat wij nu doen dan? spanje/griekenland/alle andere apenlanden?

    dat zijn net zo goed bodemloze putten


    Dat bedoel ik te zeggen. Je blijft hetzelfde probleem houden. Je moet een alternatief zoeken dat dit soort problemen kan uitsluiten. Maar de aard van het beestje komt altijd bovendrijven en je bent weer terug bij af. Je zou haast zeggen dat je een hele strikte controle moet invoeren, maar dat gaat ook niet werken, want wie controleert wie? Daarentegen des te meer vrijheid je iemand geeft, des te meer misbruik er wordt gemaakt ten koste van iemand anders vrijheden.

  3. politiek bestond haast niet Je had iemand die het dorp of de stad bestuurde die werd gekozen door de mensen die daar woonden op basis van wie zij dachten dat ze het meest geschikt vonden voor de taak.


    Ik vind het prachtig, maar of we dit ooit in de praktijk gaan zien betwijfel ik.



    Was er een plek waar de oogst was mislukt zorgden ze ervoor dat andere gewesten daar voedsel heen stuurden

    Was er een ramp hielpen ze de slachtoffers met wederopbouw.


    Dit gaat 1 of 2 keer goed, totdat blijkt dat steeds hetzelfde gebied geholpen moet worden en er een soort onbalans ontstaat in gegeven hulp.


    Kon er iemand niet meer werken kregen ze gewoon hun deel van de oogst en hulp van de buren

    Maar dat maakte niet dat ze niks meer deden voor de samenleving.

    Er is altijd genoeg te doen naar kunnen


    Hetzelfde probleem dat zich in de huidige samenleving voordoet, gaat dan ook spelen. Er zijn altijd mensen die misbruik maken van de situatie en liever niets doen dan aardappelen rooien zoals alle kapabele mannen.


    In basis dus de meest simpele vorm van een samenleving

    Die simpelheid is iets waarvan ik denk dat het haast de enige vorm is waarin een samenleving echt kan floreren


    Zoals ik zei, ik ben er helemaal voor. Helaas gaat er zoiets als politiek binnensluipen en zijn er toch veel mensen die niet in zo'n situatie passen. De graaiers hebben altijd de grootste monden en veel goede mensen laten zich wegzetten en onderdrukken. Soort Lord of the Flies verhaal.

  4. Iedereen moet doen wat 'm goed dunkt, daar leef je tenslotte prettiger van.

    Wat betreft het vasten geld voor mij: Doet een leeuw, aap, arend, koe, varken vrijwillig vasten? Nee, nou dan ik ook niet.

    Ik ben wel gestopt met het voor de 2e keer opscheppen bij het avondeten..... maar dat is omdat we vanwege de crisis minder reparaties hebben en meer onderhoud en dan verbrand je gewoon minder..... en zo'n slappe winter helpt ook nix mee.


    Ik zie een beest ook niet in de keuken staan achter het fornuis. Gezond leven en waardering opbouwen voor de dingen om je heen betekend niet dat je als een beest moet leven. Een mens hoort een verbeterde versie van een beest te zijn. Dat we nu compleet van dat ideaalbeeld afgedwaald zijn terzijde.

  5. China schroeft dit jaar zijn defensie-uitgaven op met 12,2 procent tot 96 miljard euro, zo is in Beijing bij het begin van het Volkscongres bekendgemaakt. Het is de hoogste stijging van het budget in drie jaar.


    Als partner in crime van de Russen kun je natuurlijk niet achterblijven. Ik vermoed zo dat dit akkefietje in Oekraïne niet de laatste zal zijn...........


    Ja, heel duidelijk een verschuiving van de macht van het westen naar het oosten. Veel hangt af hoe de VS met hun nieuwe rol om kunnen gaan.


    De Russen proberen nogmaals uit te leggen dat het geen invasie betreft, maar dat alle aanwezige soldaten daar gewoon gelegerd waren, en de westerse pers dit allemaal uit het verband trekt.

  6. Tja. Je kan het natuurlijk altijd serieus nemen. Of niet. Als dit soort berichten opduiken in de pers (zoals het einde van de wereld van de Mayas) dan is het wel handig om daar melding van te maken. Iedereen weet dat je dat soort dingen met een korreltje zout genomen moeten worden.


    Voorspellen is moeilijk, vooral als het de toekomst betreft.

  7. video beschikbaar van ontmoeting tussen officieren

    Daar zie je in een halve minuut van dichtbij de verwarring, de spanning en hoe weinig er voor nodig is om eea uit de hand te laten lopen..


    Belbek: Ukrainian and Russian officers meet

    Video has emerged of the tense moment Ukrainian and Russian officers met to discuss the stand-off at Belbek airport in Sevastapol, Crimea. In the clip, both officers appear to urge calm amongst their own men, amid fears of escalation. A soldier carrying the Ukrainian flag approached the two men and is warned off by the officers and a Russian soldier.


    Nog niet zo lang geleden waren beide groepen deel van het zelfde leger.

  8. Hi there knife fellas. I love Spyderco knives just like you do. I start to collect them last year and now i have 16 of them. But now i should forget about my hobby because i live in Ukraine and life there became tough. Economic system is broken and all funds i have i should keep to buy some food supplies. Ukraine is just in one step to a civil war. I don`t know what your media says but our is overloaded with information and propaganda.


    I`ll give you guys some information as a citizen and direct observer. I know it may be boring to read this, but i hopes you are not apathetic to what is going on in our world. I will try to be as short as possible but it is hard because things is complex.


    Also i will try to be as objective as possible. It might be a interesting story to you, i was thinking that Game of Thrones is a super saga, but now i have something more epic right in front of my eyes. That`s makes me sad.


    1. Ukraine is historically multinational country. There are about 100 nations living there, but main population is Russians and Ukrainians. And this two nations are really close genetically and historically like two brothers. I am personally half-russian and half-ukrainian. I was born on eastern side but now i live in western Ukraine. Also Ukraine and Russia have deep links and connections in economics and heavy industry as a legacy of USSR.


    2. Ukraine is divided to 25 administrative regions, like states in USA. And those regions are tends to have certain beliefs. But of course beliefs are not strict and may vary from man to man:

    - Western regions is tends to be a part of Europe. This part of Ukraine has no big industry objects, main income is from turism. Also there is strong far right moods, deep nationalism, racism etc. Not everyone of course have such views but much more than other regions. There are mixed population consist of ukrainians, poland people, jews and less russians.

    - East and South have pro-Russian moods and feelings. All coal mines and most heavy plants are placed there. Mostly russians lives here and ukrainians too. About 75% have relatives in Russia.

    - Center regions has kind of mixed moods. Also there are some industry constructions.


    Also i should tell you a few words about how our economy works. Every region generate some money, then money goes to our capital - Kiev, and then government decides how divide money between regions. Eastern regions generates much more money because of heavy industry and people there must works in mines and plants. Western regions is turistic and usually they gets more money than they can generate. Also work there is easier in average.


    3. I was born in USSR and since it was broken and Ukraine gain independence we have very corrupted government all the time. Whoever gets power starts to steal everything they can. Thats why Ukraine have great potential and resources but still a very poor country. Last few years we have goverment from East regions. When i have to vote for parliament or president i vote not for a good one but for a smaller evil. But nevertheless those few years was fine i can`t see any objective reasons for mass riots. Except one - west regions hate east ones and especially because of main party in parliament and president.


    4. How all this happens

    - We have not great but legal president and government. They are was accepted by Europe and USA as legal. Obama shaked Yanukovich`s hand and congratulated him.

    - Once up on the time government decide to think about Association with European Union. Many people says hooray! We will join EU and will be able to go to Europe easily to get some jobs, also our salaries will grows 10 times, we all became rich and happy. Well, i believe nobody really reads this Assosiation document because it is not join with EU but something different. And there no reasons to salaries grows or simplification of boundaries crossing. Up to this document Europe has no any responsibilities but Ukraine has a lot. Also it will kill our internal food market (because of complex European standarts) and industry. People in eastern regions thinks that Ukraine must increase connection with Russia, it is easier and gives us real profits because of industry links.

    - Suddenly president says like Nah we won`t sign it right now, have to think about. That was a great surprise for many of us especially in western and central regions. They are already was prepared to be europeans. Also it was a surprise for EU and USA as far as i understand. For sure there are grand geopolitics involved. If Ukraine join EU in any possible way it will affect and weaken Russia a bit.

    - After that we had Maydan (sounds like My+Dun, means town square, it from the name of main square in Kiev - Square of Independence). What Maydan is? A lot of people came to main square of the capital to demand to sign assosiation with EU. Some of them comes by true believes and hopes of better life, some was affected

    by tons of propaganda, some was from Right Sector.

    - Right Sector is group of far right organizations, they proclaim nationalizm, clearness of ukrainian race, ultra patriotism etc. Their leaders fought in Chechnya wars on the terrorists side against Russia, also they honor some ukrainian people and organisations who was on Nazi side during WW2. Mostly Right Sector is young strong guys who has some combat training and skills. Also right in our parliament we have Svoboda (Freedom) party which is nor formally in Right Sector but absolutly share their beliefs. Thats how far all goes. Of course Right Sector hates russians, poland, jews and everyone also except ukrainian nationalists.

    - Also we have opposition who want to change government with helps of Maydan and Right Sector.

    - Ok so what's happens next. For about 2 months Maydan was less or more peaceful. But president instead of signing unprofitable association with EU signed nice profitable aggrement with Russia. And there was BOOM. Maydan under massive propaganda and ruled by active and dare Right Sector members inside became very dangerous. They start a real riot, and trying to assault administrative buildings in Kiev.

    - Government called special forces to defend buildings and order. This forces called Berkut (i believe it is like Golden Eagle in English). Those forces has just metal shields and clubs but no firearms. About few weeks Berkut holds positions. But Maydan became unstable, they throw big stones and molotov cocktails to the police. It was really scary and shocking those guys from Berkut was burned alive you can find videos in youtube if you can but watch without children please. Few days they hold position with just shields and clubs, they are was not allowed to use guns by government.

    - Of course oppositions propaganda called them traitors of nation and people. My opinion that they are just do their duty and hold chaos.

    - And of course somebody start shooting. I don't know who it was fisrt. Maydan says it was Berkut. Berkut says it was Maydan. Berkut had to save their lives and start to shoot back to only armed people. Those armed guys from Right Sector was mixed with others like teenagers, women and just ordinary men.

    - All this time government was under the pressure. At the end president says ok lets make new government, but Maydan should give up all guns and leave all captured buildings. Opposition say ok. Also this agreement was signed by Poland, Germany and France representatives.

    - But i think it was a bad plan for Right Sector and they start escalate conflict with Berkut. Opposition is not really controls Maydan. In this chaos about 87 mans died from Maydan side and about 30 of Berkut. Dead people from Maydan was proclaimed as heroes and called Sky Hundred, Berkut was ashamed and Damned. I believe mass media in western world share this position.

    - After that city come to chaos. Maydan occupied Rada (Main government building), Berkut was called back, President ran away with his securities. Everyone who shares Maydan believes celebrated a victory.

    - Next. New "government" was formed, many positions was occupied by Right Sector. Even some in a Ukrainian Security Service. Also was proclaimed a temporary president. Obviously he is not legal, because we still have old coward one. In Ukraine we have procedure to fire presidents. This procedure needs to be done in Constitutional Court but it was disembodied by new government.

    - Banned Berkut retreat to Crimea peninsula (like a half-island). Crimea became a heart of resistance to new government. Also about 80% of population there russians and one of the city there is base for Russian Marine Fleat of Black Sea.

    - Now Russia come in play. Before that it was busy with Olympics games, but of course keep an eyes on Ukraine. Many thinks that Russia wants to join Crimea because it is really valuable piece of land. Maybe it is true, but I think Russia will not, it is hard and will cause many problems. Also in 1994 Ukraine became not-nuclear country and Russia, USA and Great Britain sign agreement which said that they are guarantee integrity of Ukraine in case of external threat.

    - First of all Russia gives political support for those regions who resist new government. Now Russia proclaims that it will be forced to use military forces in case of violence in South and East regions of Ukraine to defend russian population there (which is about 80%). Because this regions don`t want to accept new pro-nazi government.


    - Now we have total mobilization of Ukrainian Army, because new government scared of Russia. But Russia will not bring any troops if South and East will be able to decide their own future. And of course nobody wants to fight because we are brothers. But Army commanders have to accept orders, also some of them shares

    oppositions believes. But Right Sector trying to provoke violence in East cities, they have automatic weapons captured in police departments during chaos and anarchy. They came on the buses and trying to provoke locals by demonstrations, assault of buildings and ruins memorials of WW2. Locals have no weapons to resist them in arms. Also this can be accepted as riots and cause a reason to use Ukrainian Army at the East.

    - Right Sector also asked for a help of Islamic terrorists on their social media page. They are fought with them against Russia. But now they said that someone is steal their password and all if this is provocation.

    - Also one of the leader of new government says that Ukraine can became a nuclear country again if Russia will not stop intervention. This is technically absurd but there is something to think about.

    - Main problem is that Right Sector is armed, half-legal and not controlled by anyone. And if government decide to get rid if them, who will do this? Berkut is fired and ashamed. It can be a Ukrainian Army or Russian. Also people who lives in south and eastern regions have other opinion. They wait for Russian Army like for saviors from Right Sector Nazi terror. Which is more that real treat.


    5. What is next? I don't know. Nothing good obviously. In best scenario we will have economic collapse in worst economic collapse and war. Who is guilty? I don't know, maybe western government and secret services who makes our country a stage of geopolitical game. Maybe we are Ukrainians guilty case we was stupid and hateful to each other. But Russia now have to deal with it and solve our problems.



    Heel goed om eens een keer de visie van een lokaal iemand te krijgen. Bedankt.

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