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Berichten die geplaatst zijn door Preppie

  1. Hier ook iedere avond een ware invasie van de naaktslakken. Ongeloofelijk waar die iedere keer weer vandaan komen. Gisterenavond ruim 100!! gevangen en met een enkele reis als ongewenst vreemdeling het land uitgezet. (zonder oprotpremie)

    Met dank aan Raycoupe; deze tip ga ik zeker toepassen.

  2. Toen de muur viel en de USSR uiteen viel, stopte ook de ondersteuning van de Russen aan Cuba. Tegelijkertijd besloten de Amerikanen om alle (economische) banden met Cuba te verbreken.

    Gevolg: het leven van de Cubanen veranderde plotsklaps en onverwachts.

    Rita is een Cubaanse die tijdens deze periode als moeder toch eten op de plank moest zien te krijgen en het gezin draaiende houden.

    In de onderstaande video een interview met haar.


    Economic Collapse Survivor Gives Advice On How To Keep Up Your Family’s Spirits


    Ook te bekijken op:


    Meer video's over: overleven tijdens een crisis, tuinieren, zelfvoorzienend leven enz

  3. Verslag van een survival ervaringsdeskundige. Wil of moet je in een stad zien te overleven, dan is dit verslag heel informatief.


    I am from Bosnia. You know, between 1992 and 1995 it was hell. For one year I lived, and survived, in a city with 6000 people, without water, electricity, gasoline, medical help, civil defense, distribution service, any kind of traditional service or centralized rule.


    Our city was blockaded by the army and for 1 year life in the city turned into total crap. We had no army, no police, we only had armed groups – those armed protected their homes and families.


    Arms, ammunition, candles, lighters, antibiotics, gasoline, batteries and food. We fought for these things like animals. In these situations it all changes. Men become monsters. It was disgusting.



  4. (Ter) informatie over de macht en zeggenschap die banken en regeringen menen/meenden te hebben over de vrije Mens, aan banden wordt gelegd. Dat heeft vele implicaties.

    Banklen, bedrijven en regeringen worden wel gezien als een persoonlijkheid. Ze zijn echter niet een Persoon, Mens van vlees en bloed. Hebben wel "macht" over de Mens..... denken ze.

    Anderzijds is de meerderheid van de Mensen er in de loop der tijden van overuigd geraakt onderworpen te zijn aan de regels die banken, bedrijven en regeringen opstellen; onder het mom van:"Maar de wet zegt...!"

    Ooit getracht met "de wet die zegt" te spreken? Kan niet. Is geen Persoon van vlees en bloed.


    Enfin, of je deze info relevant vindt voor jou als Mens en prepper, is aan jou om uit te maken.


    Evenzo tot welke groep je momenteel behoort


    Aangezien alles veranderlijk is, kan door bestuderen van het dokument, de implicaties ervan tot je doordringen. Of het opgedrongen "feit" bv. dat "De Staat" (geen persoon van vlees en bloed) een schuld heeft die wij Mensen die schuld moeten betalen middels belastingen, lagere lonen enz.


    Misschien is het volgende makkelijker te vatten:


    We, the sovereign, free people of the ancient land of Éire


    Those are the facts as described in Uniform Commercial CodeDocument# 2012114586 as Registered in Washington DC. This document is just another endorsement of the truth; that truth being that modern banking violates natural law and order and has therefore been foreclosed forever by we the people


    Laatste link ook geplaatst op: (pag.11)

  5. Bericht uit/over Ierland door:


    We, the sovereign, free people of the ancient land of Éire




    There will be opportunity this time to tell the whole Truth about the banking industry.Be that under 'your' legal system, or in the courts of the people and We NOW herebymake you responsible, in your own individual capacities, with full personal unlimitedliability; because We know what you are doing and; SO SHALL IT BE.The Truth of the matter is as follows :


    -1.The value of the currency of the alleged debt, the value of any and allpurported fiat currencies is vested in the sovereign life and labour of the individual. It is drawn on the people. We provided the value. We provided the loans in the actual factum. Without that there is nothing,only worthless fictitious value. Now we are going to make it stick.


    2.The Central Bank of Ireland is in fact a foreclosed institution. Whatthat means is that there is a prior claim, a commercial lien on anyand all title, property, equity, assets, liens, sureties, bonds andbullion of the Bank for International Settlements, its members,subsidiaries and beneficiaries thereof; to include the ECB, CentralBank of Ireland and any commercial Bank holding a licence issued byeither of them.

    Those are the facts as described in Uniform Commercial CodeDocument# 2012114586 as Registered in Washington DC. This document is just another endorsement of the truth; that truth being that modern banking violates natural law and order and has therefore been foreclosed forever by we the people.


    3.Therefore, no banking institution in Ireland has any lawful claim toforeclose or repossess any property belonging to any one of the living,flesh and blood people of Éire. That is the truth of the matter, and theTruth is Sovereign in Commerce.

  6. Overigens wat betreft de classificatie van slavernij; wanneer is iets geen slavernij meer? The Tale of the Slave:


    En in het kader van wat Rien zegt: Waarom is het onteigenen van rechtmatig eigendom slecht als burgers van elkaar 'stelen', maar is het niet meer slecht als een (democratisch gekozen) overheid 'belasting heft'?:


    Leonid Sharashkin spreekt over de slavernij onder de Tsaren en onder het communisme in de video

    vanaf ca. 6 minuten


    10 min. de uitspraak van zijn grootmoeder over land moeten kopen van de staat die het eerst heeft ingepikt..



    Uit het document:


    Government Charters Cancelled: (Refer: DECLARATION OF FACTS: UCC Doc # 2012127914 Nov 28 2012)

    “...That any and all CHARTERS, inclusive of The United States Federal Government, UNITED STATES, “STATE

    of ...", Inclusive of any and all abbreviations, idem sonans, or other legal, financial or managerial forms, any and

    all international equivalents, inclusive of any and all OFFICES, inclusive of any and all OFFICERS, PUBLIC


    other contracts and agreements made thereunder and thereby, are now, void, worthless, or otherwise cancelled,

    unrebutted; ...”

  8. Als ik het goed begrijp kan ik ze dus na afspoelen gewoon in zijn geheel rauw opeten ?

    Zou het erg zijn om ze op te eten zonder af te spoelen? dat zou helemaal mooi zijn

    Ik kom veel in bossen (Nederland) en daar staan er genoeg.




    Tijdens wandelingen in de natuur, pluk en eet ik graag een paar jonge bloemkoppen en enkele blaadjes. De steeltjes eet ik niet.

    Wassen van bloemkop en blaadjes, heb ik nog nooit gedaan..... en ik leef nog steeds. :)

  9. The 7 Mayan Prophecies: Destruction or Evolution?


    The Mayas do not speak of the end of the world; specifically they say that everything transforms, that the only thing which remains is the spirit, in its journey of evolution toward higher levels.


    The First Mayan Prophecy announces the end of the present cycle, that from the year 1999 there are 13 years remaining, that every person is in the great room of mirrors to find his own multidimensional nature within himself.


    Their calendar contains the coded information which indicates the key date for the transformation: Saturday, December 22, 2012.


    The Second Mayan Prophecy says that the answers to everything are inside man, that our behavior determines our future. It affirms that humanity finds itself in a moment of fundamental transition toward a new way of perceiving the universe...that the universe and the solar system are receiving a beam of light, energy, and information from the center of the galaxy, and that this is causing an increase in the vibration of the planet and the brain waves and cells of man, placing him in equilibrium with this new frequency, causing enormous changes in his behavior.


    The second Mayan prophecy shows two paths: one of understanding and tolerance, and one of fear and destruction.


    In both man will learn the necessary lessons for the evolution of the conscience.


    This prophecy tells us that humanity is moving toward a new era of harmony, and that to get there, we must confront our greatest fears and accept that we are faced with difficult situations in order to learn from them, maintaining peace in any situation which we experience. No matter how difficult the challenges, we can maintain and increase our internal energy, producing a state of high vibration and a state of respect for all that exists.


    The difficult situations will remain in our lives as long as we need to learn something from them.


    The Third Mayan Prophecy says that we must become aware of our influence on the planet so that we do not continue making mistakes, or causing its destruction, as has happened over the course of history. The processes of industrialization without ecological sensitivity have caused, with its wastes, a general increase in the temperature of the planet. This will be accentuated by increased activity of the sun, caused by the energy received from the center of the galaxy, creating great changes in weather and winds.


    There will be energy vortexes which will clean the earth's surface, which are the manifestation of the inconformity of our planet, and of the elemental energies contained in its interior.


    The Fourth Mayan Prophecy tells us: man must cease his destructive behavior, in order to synchronize with the rhythms of nature and adjust to the changes which will take the whole universe to an era of harmony. The climate changes will produce a melting of the poles, allowing the planet to be cleansed and green again, producing great changes in the physical composition of the continents.


    The Fifth Mayan Prophecy says that all systems based on fear which affect our civilization, will transform simultaneously with the planet and humanity, to take a new step toward the reality of harmony.


    Systems will fail to confront humanity with itself, making us see the need to reorganize society and continue on the path of evolution, allowing us to understand creation. MONEY will cease to be used as a form of exchange, and the symptoms which are emerging in various parts of the world seem to confirm this.


    A single, common spiritual path will emerge for all humanity which will end the established limits we have set for the different ways of seeing God.


    The new galactic day is seen in all religions and cults as an era of peace and harmony for all humanity. Therefore, it is clear that whatever does not contribute to this result should disappear or change. The new era of light cannot allow a humanity based on a military economy which imposes truths by force.


    The dawn of the galaxy should be based on PROFOUND RESPECT for each other, and the recognition of all that exists. The new humanity will not need existing technology communication systems, for we will be connected mentally, and therefore violence should cease to exist.


    We are at the end of the night of 5125 years; at the end of a galactic day of 26,000 years, at the point of entering the dawn of the galaxy. The era of change which the Mayas called "the time of no time" was also prophecied by other cults and religions. All agree that the world is at the point of a change of huge proportions, soon after which will occur a period of chaos which will usher in a new phase of evolution of conscience and unprecedented changes in humanity.


    The Sixth Mayan Prophecy says that in the next few years a comet will appear whose trajectory will place humanity's existence in danger, also predicted by many religions and cults; in the Bible's book of Revelations it appears under the name Wormwood.


    The Mayas knew that for modern man, to discover with anticipation an asteroid so large and then divert it, would be one of the major achievements of human history and a critical act, that would unite us as a species.


    The Seventh Mayan Prophecy tells us of the moment when the solar system, in its cycle, leaves the night and enters the dawn of the galaxy.


    It is said that in the 13 years from 1999 to 2012, the light which is emitted from the center of the galaxy synchronizes all living beings and permits them to voluntarily access an internal transformation which produces new realities, that we all have the opportunity to change and break our limitations, receiving a new sense. Those who voluntarily find their interior state of peace, taking their frequency of vital energy from fear to LOVE, will be able to capture and express themselves through thought, and with that, Evolve.


    Text by: Anabell Castañeda



    I have come across an amazing find, thanks to a FB friend; I have learned how to add enough food to my storage to feed us (2 adults and two kids) for a year! This is a combination of legumes, grains, beans etc that provides balanced, nutritious meals daily very cheap. The thing I love about this recipe is that it can be changed in many different ways by adding left over meats, vegetables, dry vegetables, TVP, potatoes, etc.


    This recipe has been around the internet for years now, but this is the first time I have seen it. I have researched for hours on ways to get a years’ worth of food storage for a reasonable cost and finally found it, so I thought I would share it with all of our APN readers.


    Het is niet meer en minder dan een basis. Maar beter dit dan niks.

    Het kan makkelijk aangevuld worden met wat de natuur per seizoen biedt.


    Eet smakelijk! :)

    • Leuk 1

    52 Weeks to Preparedness: An Introduction to Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Planning



    Create a preparedness foundation that you and your family can rely on when unexpected situations present themselves.

    52 Weeks to Preparedness: An Introduction

    Week 1 of 52: Short Term Emergency Food Supply (List 1)

    Week 2 of 52: Hardware List

    Week 3 of 52: Emergency Medical Supply (List 1)

    Week 4 of 52: Communications

    Week 5 of 52: Pet Care

    Week 6 of 52: Evacuation Preparedness

    Week 7 of 52: Basic Home Security

    Week 8 of 52: Emergency Sanitation

    Week 9 of 52: Emergency Medical Supply (List 2)

    Week 10 of 52: Dental Preparedness (List 1)

    Week 11 of 52: Short Term Food Supply (List 2)

    Week 12 of 52: Financial Preparedness

    Week 13 of 52: Spiritual Preparedness

    Week 14 of 52: Mental Preparedness

    Week 15 of 52: Emergency Medical Supply (List 3)

    Week 16 of 52: Survival Tools

    Week 17 of 52: Water Preparedness

    Week 18 of 52: Emergency Food Preservation

    Week 19 of 52: Food Storage Tools

    Week 20 of 52: 1 Month Supply of Food

    Week 21 of 52: Emergency Fuel Supply

    Week 22 of 52: Hardware Tools (List 2)

    Week 23 of 52: External Security Preparedness

    Week 24 of 52: Water Preparedness (List 2)

    Week 25 of 52: Dental Preparedness (List 2)

    Week 26 of 52: Emergency Sanitation (List 2)

    Week 27 of 52: Emergency Light Preparedness

    Week 28 of 52: Pandemic Preparedness

    Week 29 of 52: Charity

    Week 30 of 52: Nutrition and Exercise

    Week 31 of 52: Inventory Management

    Week 32 of 52: 1 Month Supply of Food (List 2)

    Week 33 of 52: Essential Fats and Oils

    Week 34 of 52: Essential Legumes

    Week 35 of 52: Surviving with Carbohydrates

    Week 36 of 52: SHTF Sugars

    Week 37 of 52: Essential Baking Needs

    Week 38 of 52: Emergency Communication

    Week 39 of 52: Alternative Power Sources

    Week 40 of 52: Cold Weather Preparedness

    Week 41 of 52: Self-Reliant Skills

    Week 42 of 52: Characteristics of an Ideal Retreat

    Week 43 of 52: Livestock and Gardening

    Week 44 of 52: Collapse Investing: Money and Wealth Preservation During Times of Uncertainty and Instability

    Week 45 of 52: Long-Term Food and Water Needs

    Week 46 of 52: Survival Caches

    Week 47 of 52: Emergency Medical Supply (List 4)

    Week 48 of 52: Essential Tools (List 4)

    Week 49 of 52: Nuclear and EMP Preparedness

    Week 50 of 52: Bartering the Community

    Week 51 of 52: Home Defense

    Week 52 of 52: Long-Term Security and Defense

    Week 53 of 52: The Preparedness Lifestyle

  12. PS (preppy)

    Als toilet heb ik een aantal emmers met deksels en honderden meschien wel duizenden pedaal emmer zakjes (na gebruik begraven, verbranden of verweg dumpen.)

    Of natuurlijk een diep gat in de tuin graven.


    Ipv die pedaalemmerzakjes, kun je ook zaagsel en as gebruiken. Als de emmer vol is, een jaar of twee laten composteren en dan kan het de tuin in. Bespaart je het gedoe al die zakjes weer ergens te moeten dumpen.:confused:

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