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1 resultaat gevonden

  1. Afgelopen maand is Seychelle met een nieuw, innovatief waterfilter op de markt gekomen. Het is - voor zover ik weet - het enige filter dat minder dan € 20 kost en filtert terwijl je drinkt (dus zonder mechanische onderdelen als hevelaar/pomp). De capaciteit is beperkt, ca 100 liter, maar mede door de kleine omvang zeer geschikt voor de BOB. Er zijn drie types: Seychelle Standard Filter The Standard filter is ideal for any in or out-door use; like traveling, hiking, biking, camping, fishing or for emergency purposes. It can be used with any type of water source; tap or rainwater, rivers, streams or even lakes (Excluding salt water). It is designed for use with water that is non-turbid, non-stagnant. It removes up to 99.99% of contaminants and pollutants found in fresh water supplies including Aesthetics such as chlorine, Sediment and dirt; Biologicals such as Giardia, Cryptosporidium, E-Coli Bacteria; Chemicals (VOC's) such as DDT, MTBE, Benzene, Chloroforms (THM's); and Dissolved Solids (heavy metals) such as Arsenic, Lead, Mercury, Copper, Zinc, Aluminum and Chromium 6. Removes up to 90% of fluoride. Seychelle Advanced Filter The Advanced filter is made of the same media as the Standard filter with the addition of EPA approved iodinated resin (EPA Reg #: 35917-2), which has been proven effective in the removal of bacteria and virus to six logs (99.9999%). Removes up to 90% of fluoride. It can be used in extreme conditions; turbid and stagnant water; and is ideal for emergencies such as hurricanes, cyclones, etc. such as events that occurred in the US with Katrina, the hurricane in Haiti, and the recent nuclear explosion in Fukushima, Japan. Seychelle Radiological Filter The Radiological filter removes the four basic zones of contamination: Aesthetic (Chlorine, taste and odor), Chemicals (from Industry and Agriculture), Dissolved Solids (heavy metals such as lead, mercury, Chromium 6) and up to 99.99% of Radiological Contaminants such as Gross Beta, Radon 222, Radium 226, Plutonium, Uranium, Strontium, Cesium 137 and Radioactive Iodine 131. Removes up to 90% fluoride. Meer info en prijzen op: Als er veel belangstelling is, kunnen we misschien gezamenlijk inkopen (via ?). Ik bestel in ieder geval 8 advanced filters en 2 radiological filters.
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