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Berichten die geplaatst zijn door whitefang

  1. Ideale BOV is wat al die zigeuners doen in Frankrijk, Oost Europeanen in dikke verhoogde bus met dubbele cabine en een tandemasser Tabbert of zo.

    Zo kun je 1500 kg zware spullen meenemen, 7 zitplaatsen en de caravan met veel ruimte en max 500 kg.

    Fietsen en kano op de dakimperial met ladder, liefst achterwielaandrijving dus een MB of Iveco met turbo, 100 pk diesel is voldoende.

    Dan kom je over 4250 kg met belading en dus volgens de wet BE maar een zeurpiet die daar naar kijkt denk ik.


    Heb inmiddels vanaf volgende week een advies/verhuisbedrijfje, "Into The Wild", met Renault Master en Adria tandemasser voor het hoge Noorden maar als mensen kiezen voor het zuiden dan ben ik daar ook voor te vinden.

    Als je geen zin hebt in een bedrijf kun je de bus op kamperkenteken zetten of het particuliere tarief betalen, ongeveer factor 4.

  2. Ideale BOV is wat al die zigeuners doen in Frankrijk, Oost Europeanen in dikke verhoogde bus met dubbele cabine en een tandemasser Tabbert of zo.

    Zo kun je 1500 kg zware spullen meenemen, 7 zitplaatsen en de caravan met veel ruimte en max 500 kg.

    Fietsen en kano op de dakimperial, liefst achterwielaandrijving dus een MB of Iveco met turbo, 100 pk diesel is voldoende.

    Dan kom je over 4250 kg met belading en dus volgens de wet BE maar een zeurpiet die daar naar kijkt denk ik.


    Heb inmiddels vanaf volgende week een advies/verhuisbedrijfje, "Into The Wild", met Renault Master en Adria tandemasser voor het hoge Noorden maar als mensen kiezen voor het zuiden dan ben ik daar ook voor te vinden.

  3. Yep, dankjewel.....prima plek voor mij op het net......dr.doom....ben gestopt met en post soms wat op en malthusia, verders beetje en nu blij met deze vonst, een vaderlandse prepsite! Ideaal en inmiddels ziet iedereen de bui wel hangen denk ik.

    Doomsday preppers vindt ik ook het einde, samen met Bear Grylls, dual survival, man/woman wild, beyond survival, Flying Alaska en ice road truckers....

    De laatse jaren beetje en ontwikkelingen in de gaten gehouden, maar vooral studie gedaan naar het weer/klimaat en dergelijke.

    Abrupte klimaatverandering maakt alles hier, zeker wat mensen doen, alles even onbelangerijk, vandaar de focus op into the wild als klimaatvluchteling.

    Westkust zal het langst stabiel blijven, zeker die van BC Canada, nog steeds het beloofde land in tijden van nood.


    Waarom ben je zelf aan het preppen en heb je ook al een plan van aanpak?

    Van de week iemand ontmoet die ik ruim 20 jaar niet had gezien, hij is met zeilboot om Amerika gevaren, Noord en Zuid!

    Ik pak zelf liever de fiets......





    Goede samenvatting:


    We know Earth’s temperature is nearly one degree Centigrade higher than it was at the beginning of the industrial revolution. And 1 C is catastrophic, as indicated by a decades-old cover-up. Already, we’ve triggered several positive feedbacks, none of which were expected to occur by mainstream scientists until we reached 2 C above baseline global average temperature.

    We also know that the situation is far worse than indicated by recent data and models (which are reviewed in the following paragraphs). We’ve known for more than a decade what happens when the planes stop flying: Because particulates were removed when airplanes were grounded, Earth’s diurnal temperature range increased by more than 1 C in the three days following 11 September 2001. If the change in range leans toward warming, in other words, Earth’s temperature is already nearly 2 C higher than the industrial-revolution baseline. And because of positive feedbacks, 2 C leads directly and rapidly to 6 C, acidification-induced death of the world’s oceans, and the near-term demise of Homo sapiens. We can’t live without life-filled oceans, home to the tiny organisms that generate half the planet’s oxygen while comprising the base of the global food chain (contrary to the common belief that Wal-Mart forms the base of the food chain). So much for the wisdom of the self-proclaimed wise ape.

    With completion of the on-going demise of the industrial economy, we’re there: We’ve crossed the horrifically dire 2 C rubicon, as will be obvious when most of the world’s planes are grounded. Without completion of the on-going demise of the industrial economy, we’re there: We’ve crossed the horrifically dire 2 C rubicon, as described below. Joseph Heller, anybody?


    I’ve detailed the increasingly dire assessments. And I’ve explained how we’ve pulled the trigger on five positive-feedback events at lower global average temperature than expected, while also pointing out that any one of these five phenomena likely leads to near-term human extinction. None of these positive-feedback events were expected by scientists until we exceed 2 C warming above the pre-industrial baseline.

    My previous efforts were absurdly optimistic, as demonstrated by frequent updates (for example, here, here, and here, in chronological order). Yet my frequent writing, rooted in scientific analyses, can barely keep up with increasingly terrifying information about climate change. Every day, we have more reliable knowledge about the abyss into which we have plunged. Consider, for example, the International Energy Agency’s forecast of business-as-usual leading to a 6 C warmer planet by 2035. Malcolm Light, writing for the Arctic Methane Emergency Group, considers one of the many positive feedbacks we’ve triggered in one planetary region and reaches this conclusion: “This process of methane release will accelerate exponentially, release huge quantities of methane into the atmosphere and lead to the demise of all life on earth before the middle of this century.”

    Please read that sentence again. Light is a retired earth-systems scientist. As nearly as I can distinguish, he has no hidden agenda, though he believes geo-engineering will save us (an approach that would take several years to implement, and one that we’d almost certainly FUBAR).


    Forecasts by the International Energy Agency and the Arctic Methane Emergency group match the recent trend of increasingly dire assessments based on collection and interpretation of more data and increasingly powerful models. If these forecasts are close to accurate, we’ve only a requiem to write for human beings on Earth.

    It’s time to modify Keynes’ famous line thusly: “In the short run, we’re all dead.” For those of us living in the interior of a large continent, much less on a rock-pile in the desert, I’d give us until 2020 at the latest. Carpe diem, reveling in the one life we get.


    What, then, shall we do? As I contemplate the shackles we’ve created for ourselves, the words of Albert Camus come to mind: “The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.” In terms of action, I hardly know what that means for me, much less for you. But I encourage any and every act of liberty and rebellion, particularly as the world burns.

    I’m often asked why people living in industrialized nations shouldn’t relent to hopelessness and party like hedonists as the world burns. My typical response is to ask how our lives would be different if we suddenly starting acting like hedonists.

  5. Hey ok, een aparte plek voor komplot, dat is verrekte mooi......bijna te mooi om waar te zijn......


    Helaas is methaan geen theorie meer, Malcolm L heeft de moeite genomen de zaak door te rekenen:


    Although the sudden high rate Arctic methane increase at Svalbard in late 2010 data set applies to only a short time interval, similar sudden methane concentration peaks also occur at Barrow point and the effects of a major methane build-up has been observed using all the major scientific observation systems. Giant fountains/torches/plumes of methane entering the atmosphere up to 1 km across have been seen on the East Siberian Shelf. This methane eruption data is so consistent and aerially extensive that when combined with methane gas warming potentials, Permian extinction event temperatures and methane lifetime data it paints a frightening picture of the beginning of the now uncontrollable global warming induced destabilization of the subsea Arctic methane hydrates on the shelf and slope which started in late 2010. This process of methane release will accelerate exponentially, release huge quantities of methane into the atmosphere and lead to the demise of all life on earth before the middle of this century.



    Op dit lijntje alle voor en tegens over vrij methaan, sterkste terugkoppeling die we kennen.



    Prima archief en links naar alle wetenschappelijke uitlatingen over de huidige crisis, de massasterfte


    Climate code red heeft ook een goed beeld met links.

  heeft ook flink aantal preppers die de bui wel zien hangen, peak everything met abrupte klimaatverandering.


    Ik kijk nog naar de link van DoD waar N.Shakova een presentatie gaf over runaway.....3.5 Gton methaan per jaar.

    Inmiddels hebben we de effecten, droogte en overstromingen, het voorspel van een abrupte temperatuursverhoging, bossen gaan branden en permafrost verleden tijd is.


    Mijn idee is dat een westkustgebergte het langst stabiel blijft, dan is BC Canada de beste optie om een poging te doen zo lang mogelijk te blijven leven zodra de steden en het platteland gaat sterven.


    U.S. university and federal researchers expressed concern about the long-term health of forests in the southwestern United States given recent climate trends.

    Scientists from the Los Alamos National Laboratory, the U.S. Geological Survey, the University of Arizona and partner organizations said that if warmer temperatures and drought continue for the southwestern states, forest ecosystems could change dramatically.

    Scientists said the last so-called megadrought occurred in the 1500s.

    A. Park Williams, the lead researcher in the study, said tree ring records from that period showed exceptionally slow growth rates.

    "If forest drought stress exceeds late 1500 levels, we expect that a lot of trees are going to be dying," he said in a statement.[/quote


    When French peasants stormed the Bastille on July 14, 1789, they weren't just revolting against the monarchy's policies. They were also hungry.

    From the French Revolution to the Arab Spring, high food prices have been cited as a factor behind mass protest movements. But can food prices actually help predict when social unrest is likely to break out?


    Yes, say a group of researchers who use mathematical modeling to describe how food prices behave. Earlier this summer, their model had predicted that the U.S. drought would push corn and wheat prices high enough to spark social unrest in other parts of the world.

    "Now, of course, we do see this happening," says Yaneer Bar-Yam of the New England Complex Systems Institute in Cambridge, Mass. And unless those food prices come down, the researchers warned last week, more waves of riots are coming.

    Over the past year, the institute has gotten a lot of attention for its accurate predictions of food price behaviors. Last fall, the researchers released a study that showed big spikes in food prices coincided with food riots in 2007-2008 and 2011, including the events of the Arab Spring.

    But their model also offers the potential to forecast future social unrest by identifying "a very well-defined threshold [for food prices] above which food riots break out," Bar-Yam tells The Salt.

    In fact, Bar-Yam and his colleagues say they submitted their analysis warning of the risks of social unrest to the U.S. government on Dec. 13, 2010. Four days later, Tunisian fruit and vegetable vendor Mohamed Bouazizi set himself on fire – an event widely seen as the catalyst for the Arab Spring.


    The researchers define the riot danger zone in relation to the U.N.'s FAO Food Price Index, which tracks the monthly change in international prices for a basket of cereals, dairy, meat, sugars and oil/fats. Riots become more likely, their model showed, when the index goes above 210. The index has been hovering above that "disruption threshold" since July, pushed upward by the drought in the U.S., the world's biggest exporter of corn and wheat.

    "What happened was that food prices went up exactly as predicted," Bar-Yam says.

    Wheat is now at $9 per bushel — higher than the high of $8.94 hit in February 2011, when the Arab Spring was in full swing. Corn is at $7.56 a bushel, close to the $7.65 highs of 2007-2008 — though it spiked well above $8 a bushel this summer. The Mideast is particularly sensitive to wheat prices; it imports most of its wheat, which is a major staple for the region.

    While the drought is causing the current spike in food prices, prices have also been on a steady, long-term trajectory upward. So what's behind that trend? NECSI's model has fingered two key suspects: speculation and the conversion of corn to ethanol. Even without the drought, Bar-Yam says, food prices were headed toward the riot zone by early next year.

    • Leuk 1


    Rond 2020/2025 is de lage landen weer een moeras. 15 cm verhoging per jaar na 2015!!!

    Net als de 2004 tsunami, water trekt terug en op de horizon zien we de dunne witte lijn die langzaam groter wordt.



    Steden hebben eem constante aanvoer nodig van vanalles, energie water en voedsel.......een enkele wereldwijde misoogst is dodelijk,dan een ban op export en gelijk noodtoestand, paniek en rellen waarbij die van laastst voorspel was.

    Ook wij zijn erg kwetsbaar, probleem zonder oplossing is nu dat we met een abrupte klimaatverandering met als gevolg extreme temperaturen en chaos, samenleving en klimaat.

    In 2009 is defensie ingelicht dat de methaanfeedback samen met albido een runaway effect geeft en dus al deze decade de lang verwachte die-off, massale sterfte van organismen, inclusief zoogdieren.

    Ons management bereidt zich hierop voor door bouwen van kampen om zo orderlijk mogelijk te sterven en zelf te overleven ten koste van de rest.


    Als iemand interesse heeft kan ik met wat links dit extimction level event toelichten.

    In feite een zaak zonder hoop, kogel door het hooft maar we liggen nog niet op de grond.

    Gelukkig hebben onze leiders de zaak stevig in de doofpot, dat geeft ons wat meer tijd voordat de paniek uitbreekt en we het zonder de supermarkt moeten doen.



    As a consequence, the enhanced global warming will melt the global ice sheets at a fast increasing rate causing the sea level to begin rising at 15.182 cm/yr in the first few years after 2015 giving an accurate way of gauging the worldwide continental ice loss (Figure 3). This sudden increase in the rate of sea level rise will mark the last moment mankind will have to take control of the Arctic wide blowout of methane into the atmosphere and a massive effort must be made by governments and oil companies to stem the flow of the erupting subsea methane in the Arctic before this time. The loss of complete snow cover in Greenland precedes the loss of the sea ice cap in the Arctic by a year which may be due to the more extreme weather conditions that usually prevail over continents than over the sea which moderates the weather.


    When the Arctic ice cap melts towards the end of 2015 there will be a massive increase in the amount of heat being absorbed by the Arctic ocean from the sun. Tthe Gulf Stream which presently feeds the Arctic with Atlantic water along the west side of Svalbard and through the Barents Sea is normally cooled when it hits the floating ice pack and this will cease to happen bringing even vaster amounts of Atlantic heat via the Gulf Stream into the Arctic. Consequently the Arctic subsea methane hydrates will destabilize at an even faster rate because of the increasing Arctic ocean temperature pouring methane into the Arctic atmosphere and stratosphere (Light 2011c, Light 2012a, b).


    The extreme weather events in the United States this year which included record heating and drought conditions, massive loss of food crops with farmers going bankrupt, more hurricane flooding in New Orleans and tornadoes in New York is just a small sample of what will come in the next four or five summers as the Arctic ice finally melts. The Arctic ice cap works like the Earths air conditioner because of the latent heat of melting and freezing of the floating ice and its effect on moderating atmospheric temperatures.


    An extensive stratospheric methane warming veil is spreading over the United States and is undoubtedly the reason for the extreme weather events and very high temperatures. The livelihoods of all the American people are going to be totally compromised in the next few years unless we develop a system of destroying the atmospheric methane that is erupting in the Arctic from the destabilization of submarine methane hydrates and is accumulating as a global warming veil in the stratosphere and mesosphere

  8. Ik heb voorheen 2 jaar geleeft in Noord Amerika, maar dat was makkelijk zo alleen met dikke F250 en camperunit.

    Nu ben ik veel zwaarder met familie en probeer ik samen op vakantie te gaan, net voor de crash.

    Als we dit niet halen wordt het naar de Noord vanaf hier en dus op iets noordelijker van Trondheim richten, veel minder ideaal dan het wilde westen van BC maar ook een optie.

    Ik blijf ook dromen van Canada.........


    Het wordt dus abrupte klimaatverandering, meerdere graden deze decade en dus permanente dust bowl/droogte en overstromingen.

    Zonder ijskap geen landbouw meer mogelijk en dus ook geen doomstead, misschien wel nomadenbestaan met wild vee, wie weet.

    Ook is een doomstead niet te verdedigen tegen overmacht aan milities en hongerige medemens.

    Into the wild is denk ik de beste optie.

    Heb al vele jaren de boeken van Tom Brown...survival, maar nog nauwelijks praktische kennis opgedaan....dom dom dom.

    Zonder voorbereiding, kennis en kunde, sterf je binnen een maand of twee in de natuur.

    In de stad natuurlijk nog veel sneller, zo zonder licht en vele kanibalen.

  9. Mijn grootste en enige zorg is hoe te zorgen voor mijn familie, vrouw en kinderen in tijden van deze huidige massale sterfte, de zesde in de geschiedenis van onze aarde alweer.

    Zonder poolijs en sneeuwkap geen landbouw mogelijk en dat is volgend jaar al voelbaar, niet meer genoeg eten voor iedereen, prognose van drijfijsvrije september is 2015, maar lang daarvoor al mislukte oogsten wereldwijd.

    Dan de komende jaren al noodtoestand en paniek, en dus gaan steden sterven net het platteland dat ook niet veilig zal zijn, mijn huis kan ik nooit verdedigen tenzij ik een prive leger heb zoals onze koningin en haar vele vrienden.

    De beste optie is dus verhuizen naar de natuur en op survival gaan, zoals Bear Grylls maar dan omgekeerd, zo lang mogelijk in natuur blijven, met voorbereiding en oppotten van gereedschap/kleding en voedsel, alle middelen toegestaan.

    Een survivalist community dus.


    Sweden is plan B en als beste uit de bus BC Canada, sea to the skye hwy 99 van Vancouver/Whistler/Pemberton, daar de weg naar Birkenhead lake waar ik nog een camperunit in de bossen heb staan. Dan is een ideaal basiskamp voor de trek naar de noord.

    Uiteindelijk de winter doorberengen in gematigd regenwoud aan de kust, rond de 55/60 graden NB, zomers wat verder inland.


    Nederland? Jammer maar er zijn hier in de buurt honderden miljoenen mensen met behoeften en een springvloed, zout en zoet water,van meer dan 5 meter is voldende om de randstad te verzuipen, slecht voor de vaderlandse economie en consumentenvertrouwen, dat is een feit.



    December 2010, defensie met beste wetenschappers op gebied permafrost onderzee, Shakova/Liefer en anderen.

    3.5 Gton per jaar, genoeg voor abrupte klimaatverandering.

    Kogel door het hoofd maar we liggen nog niet op de grond.



    Stukje Cid_yama van december 2011:



    The organic material on the ESAS that became the current methane was deposited on the shelf DURING the last interglacial as rivers flowed north dumping it onto the shelves. Then with the beginning of the stadial, ice dams formed forcing rivers to flow south.

    Sea level in the Arctic dropped exposing the shelf to the atmosphere, forming the permafrost that capped the organic material which formed methane hydrates.

    With the end of the last stadial, glaciers melted, thermokarst lakes formed, and rivers began flowing into the Arctic Ocean again. These formations began the melting of the permafrost that had formed during the last stadial.


    Sea levels rose, covering the ESAS about 8,000 years ago. The subsea environment was several degrees warmer than when the shelf was exposed.

    Geothermal flux from below, ocean salinity, and the warmer subsea environment worked to degrade the permafrost cap. Geothermal flux from below dissociated hydrates forming free methane which rose and collected in vast reservoirs of free methane, prevented from releasing to the atmosphere only by the continually degrading permafrost.

    After 8.000 years the permafrost degraded to the point that the methane began to escape.

    No methane was observed to be releasing from the shelf prior to 2003, even though the shelf had been the subject of study since the early 1990s.

    By 2009 the methane releases accelerated dramatically and in Fall 2011 catastrophic releases were observed from thousands of methane fountains, each a kilometer across, exhibiting dense continuous flows.


    Now for the future.


    Summer 2012 was the warmest ever experienced, dramatically warmer than the previous year which itself witnessed exteme heatwaves of a duration never befor recorded.

    It began to exhibit itself in the Southern Hemisphere as December 2011 temperatures in Western Australia hovered around 50C and in excess of 200 elephants died in Zibabwe from extreme extended drought. The South Pole logged it's highest temperature ever recorded.

    Late summer it became clear that crop yields worldwide had been cut by half.

    Reserves which had been dropping for years could not make up for the loss.


    Food producing nations banned the export of food except in the United States where food was transported to ports under guard to be sold to higher bidders overseas while malnutrition grew at home as families were no longer able to afford rising food prices.

    August riots were met with extreme brutality, as martial law was declared.

    Will it happen in 2012? Perhaps, but definitely within the next few years.


    Anyone who ignores the writing on the wall is a fool.


    You have now had 4 years of my posts to give yourself the opportunity to overcome your psychological defense mechanisms, to prepare, so that you might best respond to what is to come.

    Don't wait. Those that wait for others to act will die with them.

    Cities are unsustainable. they require a constant stream of supplies to function. They will fall quickly once the supplies are interupted. They are a trap. Get out first.

    It can happen that fast. Global food reserves are now down to less than a month. One failed season and the world faces global famine like never before experienced.


    Cid heeft prima archief en links naar wetenschap:



    From the French Revolution to the Arab Spring, high food prices have been cited as a factor behind mass protest movements. But can food prices actually help predict when social unrest is likely to break out?


    Yes, say a group of researchers who use mathematical modeling to describe how food prices behave. Earlier this summer, their model had predicted that the U.S. drought would push corn and wheat prices high enough to spark social unrest in other parts of the world.

    "Now, of course, we do see this happening," says Yaneer Bar-Yam of the New England Complex Systems Institute in Cambridge, Mass. And unless those food prices come down, the researchers warned last week, more waves of riots are coming.

    Over the past year, the institute has gotten a lot of attention for its accurate predictions of food price behaviors. Last fall, the researchers released a study that showed big spikes in food prices coincided with food riots in 2007-2008 and 2011, including the events of the Arab Spring.


    But their model also offers the potential to forecast future social unrest by identifying "a very well-defined threshold [for food prices] above which food riots break out," Bar-Yam tells The Salt.

    In fact, Bar-Yam and his colleagues say they submitted their analysis warning of the risks of social unrest to the U.S. government on Dec. 13, 2010. Four days later, Tunisian fruit and vegetable vendor Mohamed Bouazizi set himself on fire – an event widely seen as the catalyst for the Arab Spring.

    The researchers define the riot danger zone in relation to the U.N.'s FAO Food Price Index, which tracks the monthly change in international prices for a basket of cereals, dairy, meat, sugars and oil/fats. Riots become more likely, their model showed, when the index goes above 210. The index has been hovering above that "disruption threshold" since July, pushed upward by the drought in the U.S., the world's biggest exporter of corn and wheat.


    "What happened was that food prices went up exactly as predicted," Bar-Yam says.

    Wheat is now at $9 per bushel — higher than the high of $8.94 hit in February 2011, when the Arab Spring was in full swing. Corn is at $7.56 a bushel, close to the $7.65 highs of 2007-2008 — though it spiked well above $8 a bushel this summer. The Mideast is particularly sensitive to wheat prices; it imports most of its wheat, which is a major staple for the region.

    While the drought is causing the current spike in food prices, prices have also been on a steady, long-term trajectory upward. So what's behind that trend? NECSI's model has fingered two key suspects: speculation and the conversion of corn to ethanol. Even without the drought, Bar-Yam says, food prices were headed toward the riot zone by early next year.


    IASI data for the autumn months clearly indicate Eurasian sector of the Arctic Ocean as a significant methane emitter after 2009. Also, the distribution of high methane mixing ratios correlated with the locations of the predicted deposits of methane hydrates, as well as with shallow areas of the Arctic Ocean.

    In October 2011, the maximal methane concentrations were found over Kara and Laptev seas. IASI data show an increase in methane levels in autumn in the past three years, by 25 ppb over the Eurasian shelf, by 23 ppb over the North American shelf, and by 20 ppb over land between 50º N and 70º N for both the Eastern and Western hemispheres.

    Validation in the Arctic revealed underestimation of IASI CH4 mixing ratios below 4 km of altitude, especially in colder period of year (Fig. 1b). Convolution with sensitivity function (averaging kernel) and a priori improves the agreement (Fig. 1c), but underestimation ~ 10 ppb still takes place for the entire data set even after the correction.

    According to Makogon et al. (2007), destabilization of CH4 hydrate deposits underlying the Arctic seabed may release up to 2000 Pg CH4 into the atmosphere, which is much higher than the total mass of methane in the atmosphere (~ 5 Pg CH4 corresponding to mean mixing ratio of 1.8 ppm).


    IASI data show higher mixing ratios of methane over the Arctic Ocean and tundra/taiga in comparison to mid and low latitudes. Methane has been increasing with years, especially over shelf areas of the ocean. The increased methane mixing ratios correspond to predicted locations of methane hydrate deposits (Fig. 3b) and, also, correlate with shelf areas (Fig. 3c).

    In Fig. 4a the October circumpolar distributions of methane mixing ratios averaged over 70°-80° N are plotted for different years. Methane distribution in 2008 was generally flat, but a small increase over shallower areas of the ocean took place. This increase became much more pronounced in 2009, 2010 and 2011 in Eurasian sector of the Arctic, over the Baffin Bay, Beaufort and Chukchi seas. Maximum enhancements, up to 50 ppb over the level of 2008, were detected for Laptev/Kara seas and Baffin Bay.

    The main conclusion of this paper is a qualitative detection of high and over the years increasing methane mixing ratios in areas coinciding with predicted locations of methane hydrates

  11. Cfk, we weten wat er gebeurd als de spanning eraf ligt, massaal paniek en uiting van sterft dan samen met bijna iedereen in stedelijk gebied en omgeving, dus ook het platteland met doomstead. Tegen overmacht kun je je niet verdedigen. Milities van politie en leger zullen wel proberen een soort orde te handhaven, denk niet dat het een succes wordt.

    Heeft die familie van Oranje geen grond gekocht in Zuid Amerika? Vast al Spaans aan het oefenen......hihi.


    90% blijft thuis in stad, enkelen zullen wel plan B uitvoeren, Bug out.

    Europa heeft meer dan 700 miljoen mensen en beste restant natuur is Zweden, niet ideaal maar wel het aantrekkelijkst.

    Zeden heeft ook traditie om samen te werken.


    Nederland heeft weinig kansen, Randstad onder water is al een onmogelijke uitdaging denk ik.

    Beter van te voren vertrekken,, liefst naar westkust Canada, daar heb ik een campertje bij Black lake, nabij Pemberton BC, ideaal basiskamp voor een survivaltocht naar het Noorden,



    This park encompasses the world's largest intact coastal temperate rainforest. This unique rainforest has old-growth trees over 800 years old. The Kitlope valley is an important habitat for marbled murrelets, bald eagles, moose, grizzly, black bear, wolf and waterfowl. The Kitlope valley lies within the traditional territory of the Haisla First Nation, based out of Kitamaat Village.

    It takes a few hours to travel to the Kitlope by boat from Kitimat. The best time to visit the area is in July and August, when the marine conditions and the weather are at their best. Along the way visitors can do some fishing; visit Weewanie or Shearwater Hot Springs; watch for whales, seals, eagles, mountain goats, and bears; and view the wonderful waterfalls, tall granite cliffs, and hanging glaciers along Gardner Canal. Visitors arriving in larger vessels can anchor just outside the estuary area (deeper water) and then take a smaller boat (jet boats are best) up the Kitlope River to Kitlope Lake.



    Tweedsmuir Provincial Park appeals primarily to outdoor recreationists interested in boating, angling, camping, hiking or hunting in one of North America's most magnificent wilderness areas. Outdoor recreation opportunities are almost unlimited, but those who are not prepared to be completely self-sufficient or who do not wish to employ a professional guide should not contemplate a visit.


    Park Size: 446,092 hectares for North Tweedsmuir Park and 15 hectares for Tweedsmuir Protected Area.

    Special Notes:

    Tweedsmuir North Provincial Park is a wilderness area. Visitors must be prepared to be completely self-sufficient. There are no supplies of any kind.


    Ben wel eens aan het babbelen op en



    pagina 42.


    Yes we are dealing with a predicament D, but there are still choices to do what is best nevertheless.


    Stay city means horrible death like" mad max" and beyond "the road", doomstead in the country is good for practise but not defendable unless you have control over special forces.

    Leaves you a secret bunker in the mountains and the hope that you will stay unseen, just like these colorado people building a 300.000 dollar bunker at 11500 feet to prepare for polar shift..doomsday preppers...they have a red button-flame thrower for introuders, him being a welder and prepper.


    Or the other option, learn survival and stay fit/happy and adaptable......hide in the wild upstate BC/Yukon/Alaska. Northern exposure until the dust settles down south, if at all.

    Desert and tropical forest are already notoriously difficult to survive, let alone with collapse and climate issue's, Patagonia and New Zealand are limited so that leaves you the Canadian North, boreal forest or Taiga, Sweden to east Russia.

    Canada has the best to offer, BC coast has western winds/hardly inhabitants and plenty space inland/islands/rivers/lakes....the largest place of wild worldwide, especially after the indian wipeout last century.


    Did I mention having a bug out camper near Birkenhead/blackwater lake BC?

    Everyone intersted in survival is invited......please bring creditcard! hihi.

    Look at the atlas dear peakers/preppers, where would you want to do your last battle, the best of you.

    The goal is to last as long as possible and surthrive if we humans get another chance.

    A "peddle creek" academy to teach knowledge and sobriety in a natural setting, at least 3 days from nearest settlement, no road access. Surely not leaving home and tools/car/truck if not needed, use anything to make it through, hamster food and ammo.


    Dean river looks nice........around 52 degrees plenty parks to choose from. Stay in sea influenced mountain climate, already used to massive amouts of rain/periods of drought.

    Agriculture will not work with abrupt CC and even if you get crops you have a predicament with defence, we need to go back to gather/hunter style living, use a canou and carry all that you can.

    Antarctica needs tonnes of money/energy and even then unpredictable with all that ice sliding down, not an option.

    Far North like the Russian elite same thing.

    Coastal BC best spot on Earth and very do-able if you ask me.

    One can even cross the border unnoticed, bring plenty tools and goodies from down south on the dirt-logging roads.

    I got detailed maps, all of them:

    BC backroads roadmaps, see for the link: ... Path=67_68


    Since 2008 there are numerous new parks in the wild, most without info but the larger ones have good data on what why where and how to get to:


    It seems people are getting out of paradise:

  ... 90012.html


    The Kitsault town site consists of over 322 acres on eight titles. It

    includes approximately 90 houses and duplexes, seven apartment buildings

    (which contain a combination of over 200 bachelor, one and two bedroom units)

    over twenty foundations for double wide mobile homes, a shopping centre, two

    recreation centres, a hospital, a large works yard and a local dock.

    The 22,000 square foot shopping centre has premises suitable for a

    grocery store, liquor store, bank, hardware store, restaurant, post office,

    and other specialty stores. Together, the two recreation centres include a

    swimming pool, hot tub and whirl pool, locker rooms, gymnasium, a library,

    curling rink, and even the Maple Leaf pub. The Kitsault General Hospital is

    equipped with X-ray diagnostic equipment, operating equipment, examination

    room, waiting/reception area and a suite to house visiting physicians and


    Throughout Kitsault, all utilities including telephone and cablevision

    have been installed underground. Pavement, curbs and landscaping have enhanced

    the human engineered aspects of the town site. There is even a complete sewage

    system with lift stations and sewage treatment plant.

    "This is a spectacular location and the potential uses for Kitsault are

    virtually limitless," says Rudy Nielsen, President of Niho Land & Cattle

    Company. "It could be revitalized as a destination resort or vacation retreat

    or maybe a cruise ship facility. A buyer could subdivide the property and sell

    recreational homes. The water, the mountains, everything is here - even a good

    sized town. With a little TLC, anything is possible."

    Whitefang Heavy Crude

    Posts: 136Joined: Fri May 12, 2006 2:00 am

  12. Jawel, zij hebben voorkennis van Shakova en anderen, vanaf 2010 is het bekend dat de ESAS veel methaangas in de atmosfeer vrijlaat, dat is genoeg voor abrupte klimaatverandering en daarom nu al mislukte oogst wereldwijd en dat wordt veel extremer.

    80% drijfijs weg in september, als we ijsvrij zijn, 2015, is het hek van de dam en SHTF.

    DoD, Department of Defence is op de hoogte en probeert controle te houden, dat doe je door oefening en meer camera's, volgend jaar de eerste sterfte door honger en paniek, begin die-off.

  13. Ik heb gewerkt aan het duurste gebouw van Nederland, Jubi palais te Den Haag, onze twin towers met water en brandstoftanks in de kelder, genoeg om jaren zelfvoorzienend te zijn mits er geen grote overstromingen zijn/randstad onder water.

    Probleem blijft de beveiliging, alleen haalbaar als je een eigen leger hebt zoals onze koningin, zij wil niet 7% inleveren en zegt zelf dat de oorlogen vervelend zijn maar wel nodig.

    Preken over tolerantie en met bommen gooien, depleted uranium nog wel.........zonder marteling zou zij als ringleader van Bilderberg worden veroordeeld tot levenslang wegens genocide, misdaden jegens mensheid.....als zij voor de rechter zou komen met eerlijke rechtspraak.

    Ok, ik ben geen fan van Oranje.


    Doomstead is leuke oefening maar niet haalbaar vanwege onmacht tegen overmacht.

  14. Prachtige serie, de laatste over familie te Alberta met dromen over een te warm klimaat, precies in de roos met de methane gun, inmiddels geen hypothese meer.

    Knakker met zaden in koelkast vond ik ook origineel.

    Ook die figuur die zijn duim eraf schoot tijdens een oefening "We're going on vacation" met de hele filmploeg erbij, gered door chopper naar ziekenhuis...hihhi...overmoed.


    Probleem blijft verdediging van je doomstead, dat is onmogelijk en dus beter into the wild, liefst met kano en dan op de indianen tour.

    Vroeger leefden een miljoen indianen van verzamelen en jacht/vissen aan de westkust van BC Canada.

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