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Men neme 1 grote 4X4 en dan de snow tracks, hier de uitleg Track N Go is the first ever ''wheel driven track system for pickup trucks''.! This innovative and unique system opens the market to an easier utilisation of track system in winter time. In only 15 minutes install all 4 TRACKS... '' N '' GO. This design is protected under several patents and is the result of the innovative company named AD Boivin. After 15 years of experience in snow machine and all kinds of track conversion kits, AD Boivin has developped this product for industrial and personal applications. The testing program of the Track N Go is ending this year and production will start in the spring of 2013. The will hit the market for all 4 x 4 full size pick up trucks. Other 4x4 vehicles will be developed later. The rubber track is made of high quality rubber by the world leading manufacturer Camoplast Solideal. All wheels are made of UHMW compression molded by PPD Group and pressfit mounted to strergthen the axles which allow this system to be stronger and lighter. More information will be revealed with the upcoming website, therefore make sure to visit us often at the following websites. Of de Russiche tank onderbouw voor een gewone Lada Niva
- 8 antwoorden
- 4x4 snow verhicle
- sneeuw jeep
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